What is an ideal Montessori School ?
- Montessori Ideal Schools - Montessori Prepared Environment

Montessori Prepared Environment

"An environment designed to meet the child's need for 'self-construction' and to reveal his personality and growth to us, so that we may assist him
in the appropriate manner to accomplish his work"
- Dr Maria Montessori -

Beside being designed in proportion to the child and his needs, The six basic elements are:

The development of character and will in a young child will be adversely affected if he is not properly nurtured and stimulated in the appropriate environment. In order to exercise inner discipline, the child must be given freedom. The freedom of movement allows the child to act within the limits of responsibility and gives him his right to independence, right to activity and right to explore the world for himself.

Structure and Order
A place for everything and everything in its place. The child needs order and stability in his environment because he is constructing himself ( sorting out and categorizing all his experiences) out of the elements of the environment.

Reality and Nature
The Montessori environment should reflect the reality of the young child's surroundings and be as close to nature as is possible, thus avoiding abstract notions of fantasy and make-believe.

Beauty as interpreted by Montessori is "Harmony". Montessori environment is a harmonious environment both externally and internally, bringing a sense of joy, peace and balance to the class and its occupants

Social Environment / Community
Children are not force into social co-operation before they are ready or prepared. Montessori environment is designed such that a child may observe others and the older children without being pressured into working or playing with them until he feels ready to do so whilst at the same time, he is prepared for the social life through lessons in manners and behaviour.
Intellectual Environment with Montessori Apparatus
The Montessori environment is a nourishing place for children. The materials are designed to cater for the child's need for self- construction and development. An environment which foster cognitive, social, emotional and physical development.

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